Ratatoille will forever be one of my favorite movies. There are many interesting side characters like the arsonist, the murderer, and the one who had a relationship someone in the circus. Another key point is the friendship that develops between Remy and linguiny as they overcome their distrust and biases and begin to work together and how that reflects In their body language when they cook. The rat vs. Human conflict. Although it is a movie about a rat who wants to cook that uses human hair as a means of puppeteering him so that the rat can cook, it is also a slice-of-life movie that is very character-centered. We see how the main characters deal with, going to work, falling in love, gaining friendship, and dealing with family conflict. Ratatoille shares a story about finding a passion and working hard in it and finding success in a way, but it also talks about the story after the success. Linguini basks in the success that he has gained through Remy’s cooking and the fact that he is Gusteaus long lost son, resulting in him being corrupted by his own ego ( which is a bit funny because Ego is the name of the antagonist in the film) and loosing sight of what is important, almost loosing everything in the process.Over all it’s a very gouda film. But those are just my thoughts on it, maybe I’m a bit too cheesy. aha… get it. O v O


  1. No this is so valid. Not only is it well animated, but the story is also really inspiring. I’d like a mouse on my head cooking up the most scrumptious meal too… Although realistically that won’t happen :pensive:

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